FIFA World Cup 2022 Prediction Competition


The FIFA World Cup Finals 2022 commence on Sunday 20th November 2022 at 16.00 GMT in Qatar.

The Prediction Competition requires each participant to predict the outcome of all 64 matches in the tournament, gaining points for correct and partially correct predictions or losing points for incorrect predictions. Prizes will be awarded at the end of the competition to the participants gaining the most points. The number of prize places available will depend on the number of participants where more participants means more prize places.

In addition to the main prediction competition there will also be a number of bonus competitions running alongside. These have smaller prizes but are designed to (hopefully) keep interest for everyone taking part even if your main entry is not going so well. The bonus competitions run throughout the tournament including the Final itself. The number of bonus competitions run will again depend on the number of participants overall. The more taking part, the greater the number of bonus competitions and the value of the corresponding prizes.

Entry fee is £6 per entry. Payment can be made by cash, bank transfer or via PayPal using the “Make Payment” option.

As before, there will be a charitable element to the competition. There are no admin fees and I make no profit from running this competition. £5 of each entry fee will go into the overall prize pot. The other £1 will be paid to charity (the benefiting charity still to be chosen at this time).

(Note – PayPal charge me for using their service (they do not do it for nothing unfortunately). That charge is 9% of each payment received, i.e. 54p per £6 entry. I will cover that up to a maximum of £100 meaning the full £1 from the first 185 entries will go to the charity. Only if I receive more than 185 entries will I need to use the 54p per entry to cover PayPal’s charge in order to cap my contribution to the charity at £100. The charity will still receive the remaining 46p from each entry fee from entries 186 onwards.)

You can enter as many times as you wish. Multiple entries for yourself are very welcome as are entries on behalf of family members, friends, work colleagues, pets and so on.

All entries must be submitted on the website by 16:00 GMT on Sunday 20th November 2022 at which point entry will be closed. Before then, however, it will be possible to make any changes to your predictions as many times as you wish right up until the kick-off of Match 1.